High quality mermaid items

Shipped within 1 to 2 working days

1000+ positive reviews

About us

Nice to have you here! And now that you are there, we would like to introduce ourselves to you.

Since 1989 I am, Sabine already big fan the only real Little mermaid, I can dream the movie and the accompanying songs. I have transferred this love to my daughter Daantje. Since she was very small, we often looked together at the Little Mermaid.

When we were on vacation in 2015 and suddenly saw a mermaid swimming in a swimming pool, we looked at each other and thought the same thing, we should have this as well. Unfortunately it was not available in the Netherlands at that time.

At the beginning of 2016 we saw another mermaid pass by, and we went looking again. Jeeeh we found a shop here in the Netherlands, by the madness we were. Equal ordered and after a few days the bath in order to go swimming as a mermaid. Unfortunately, everything went wrong during that first time, the glitters of the fabric went right away and the fin always went out. The tail was not open at the bottom so Daantje had to take off her tail every time and fix the fin again. Very disappointing but this gave me the idea to start NoordZeemeermin.

After much research and testing, we found a party that could make good quality tails for us and after a while of preparations we were able to live in May 2016 with the webshop NoordZeemeermin,

In the meantime a lot of people from the North Sea are swimming all over the Netherlands. Also well known are youtubers Lisa van Meiden Magazine, Bibi and Eveline Maureen with the NoordZeemeermin tails.

We supply a large number of swimming pools throughout the Netherlands and Belgium, where they are used for mermaid swimming lessons and mermaid swimming parties. We are continuously developing and expanding our range, but also with organizing events, photoshoot and fun promotions. If you want to be kept informed of all this, check out our instagram and Facebook page .

Sparkling greeting,



The rating of www.noordzeemeermin.nl/nl/ at WebwinkelKeur Reviews is 9.2/10 based on 1033 reviews.